Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17, 2014 - Thursday

Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. (John 13:14 NIV)

Today is Holy Thursday, the day we remember the last Passover Seder meal Jesus shared with his friends.  Today's verse is from John's account of the meal--which by the way is nearly a quarter of his entire gospel.  In these five chapters, John shares some of the most intimate conversations among the group and teachings of Jesus ever recorded.

Imagine Jesus' position, knowing his time had come to leave them for the last time, knowing it was his final chance to explain to them everything that was going on, as only they could understand it, and knowing he ought to tell them what to expect next.  And imagine all the questions they had, all the feelings of uncertainty and fear his words must have caused.

Imagine being there as your God, in the form of a man, insists on washing your feet of all things--to show you how to be a servant to others, how to be humble before God no matter how important you are among men!

Imagine being there as your friend, Jesus, who no doubt has become your best friend, predicts another of your group will turn him over as a traitor to the angry leadership that wants him dead.  And worse, imagine with me what it feels like to hear this prediction about myself, sitting there, realizing it is me Jesus is talking about, that he already knows what I am about to do!  And I choose to do it anyway, as if I have no choice!

Now imagine with me being Peter, who has been named the leader of the group, when Jesus predicts that even I will publicly deny knowing him, repeatedly!  How guilty would I feel?  How angry.  How uncomfortable and worried.  How suddenly aware of my new responsibility!

And imagine, after all of this, Jesus begins to comfort you.  He describes the coming of the Holy Spirit into your heart.  He explains how you will remain connected to him, as branches to a vine tended by God the Father.  And he tells you to follow his commands after he is gone, and joy will be yours.

Today, I will remember my call to serve and to follow the commands of my friend, Jesus, even when it is risky.

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