Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 27, 2014 - Sunday

Tremble and sin no more; weep bitterly within your hearts, wail upon your beds. (Psalms 4:5 NABRE)

This ancient psalm asked everyone who hadn't kept their faith in God to turn back to him.  It even goes further than that, telling them to tremble at the thought of even having turned away from him, to change how they lived their lives, and to feel the loss of having ignored him.

For anyone who has been away from a relationship with God, he invites you back!  He WANTS you to turn back to him--right, the creator of all that exists knows you and wants a relationship with you!  It doesn't matter what you've done or what you've thought.  There is literally no sin so big that he is not bigger!  You can not do anything he will not forgive.

In fact, today is Divine Mercy Sunday, a day we set aside in 2002 to celebrate Jesus' promise to Saint Faustina back in Poland about 90 years ago of his unfathomable mercy.  Also, today, Popes John Paul II and John XXIII are proclaimed to be saints by Pope Francis.

Today, I will ask Saints Faustina, John Paul II, and John XXIII to intercede with Jesus on behalf of anyone who struggles with their faith, that we might all recognize him as the source of eternal life.

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