Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April 2, 2014 - Wednesday

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18 NIV)

All of creation is suffering.  Saint Paul seems to confirm the obvious here, but he adds a balancing truth.

Creation has hope.

Ah, hope.  I don't always get that.  Sometimes I can't access it.  There are times when I feel completely hopeless and alone.  Times when despair consumes me.  Dark times.  Times I don't like to think about.  Times of really deep, personal suffering.  It is at these times I can become cynical and fresh--letting doubt stir in my heart.  Scary stuff.

And I can only wait.  And pray.  And wait.

Endure this suffering?  Cling to hope by praying?  Is this a joke?  It can seem that way, but no!  I believe there is something to this!  Since I know with certainty that I am not capable of such endurance on my own; Paul's words about God's Holy Spirit resonate deeply with me.

So, hope.  How do I access that?  

Here, in Romans 8, Paul writes to me about the promise of future glory, and he emphasizes that despite my present suffering--as great as it sometimes feels, I can never be separated from the love of God.  Never.

He goes on to explain that I've been given God's Holy Spirit to endure my present suffering and to help me focus on the hope of God's promised salvation.

Today, I am grateful for knowing God's love in my life right now and for the constant company of his Holy Spirit.

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