Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 8, 2014 - Tuesday

Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.  And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together.  For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.  (Isaiah 40:4-5 NIV)

College basketball!  The NCAA finals were played last night and our team won!  It is such a feeling of exhilaration when we get to feel part of such achievement, even as fans.  Mankind surpassing physical boundaries and achieving beyond what anyone expects is the great joy of sports.

What if I could take those feelings of exhilaration and joy, and make them increase, make them last longer--more hours and more days.  What if I could extend the awe and energy that sports creates in me.  What if I could keep it alive and growing until it utterly overwhelms me.

Maybe at that point I might begin to experience the feelings of seeing God's amazing glory expressed in our world--the raising of mountains, the leveling of rough ground!  And to think of it, all people seeing it together, knowing at once that God's glory is above all!  All of us fans, overwhelmed at once by the exhilaration and joy of actually seeing God's awesome power expressed physically in our world!  Difficult to even sustain such an imagining.

And yet, if our eyes have been opened, we can see the glory of the Lord expressed physically right now!  Each morning when the sky brightens, I see God's glory.  Each day when I share a few minutes with a child, I feel God's glory.  And each night when the stars are uncovered, I sense the endlessness of God's glory.

Today, I will appreciate the signs of God's glory in my world right now.

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