Thursday, April 3, 2014

April 3, 2014 - Thursday

He draws up the drops of water, which distill as rain to the streams; the clouds pour down their moisture and abundant showers fall on mankind. (Job 36:27-28 NIV)

I love driving on the highway in warm weather.  The sense of freedom that comes with it as the wind races by, especially with great music playing, is fantastic. Even as I write this and recall the sunshine, I smile.

And where does this sense of well being come from?  It's interesting to think about.  Perhaps it comes less from being out in the beautiful weather than from feeling in control.  My car has a steering wheel, a dashboard loaded with status indicators, a wind shield, safety gear, brakes and tires that manage my connection to the road.  This highway has lanes, and is about the straightest line possible to my destination.  Yes, I'm calling the shots.  I am in charge.  It feels good.

Now, imagine controlling the weather!  What sort of dashboard controls would I use to make water evaporate and form into clouds?  What kind of lever would I manipulate to make the clouds pour down their moisture?  Or how would I switch on all those lightening bolts?  Absurd!  And the earth, how would I keep it on it's highway around the sun? And all the other suns....

Control in my life is something I enjoy, no matter how small or illusory it may be.  But I rely on God's ultimate control, his goodness, and his justice far more than my own when I really need things done right!

Today, I will rely on God's goodness and justice; asking him to guide my way throughout the day.

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