Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April 16, 2014 - Wednesday

Your people settled in it, and from your bounty, God, you provided for the poor. (Psalm 68:10 NIV)

Years ago, God gave his people a land to settle in after leading them out of slavery.  Not only did he give them freedom, he gave them a home and all the provisions they needed for living.

In the same way, I believe he provides for our needs today.  I cannot explain, then, why there are distinctions among people, why some are wealthy and others are poor, why some are sick and others have great health.  But since the first man, it has always been so and seems to be accepted by God and part of the plan for his creation.

For me, however, sharing in the bounty of this life is less significant than the implication of the first two words of today's verse:  "Your people."

God calls people to himself.  That is what makes us his people.  I do not know why there are distinctions among people, why some are called and others are not, why some who are blind have sight given to them and others remain sightless.  It seems always to have been so, intended by God and part of the plan for his creation.

Mystery and unanswered questions will always be a part of faith.  I am grateful to be one of God's people, able to recognize him as real, as creator, as Lord of all.  And I appreciate my share in his bounty, how he has provided for every need I have ever had.

Today, I will pray for all those whose eyes are blind, and whose faith has been shaken, that the Lord of mercy will gently call them to himself, open their eyes, and protect them from all evil.

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