Saturday, April 5, 2014

April 5, 2014 - Saturday

Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us.  (Isaiah 26:12 NIV)

There is an expression I sometimes hear that asks me to keep an "attitude of gratitude."  In today's verse, the prophet has exactly this attitude.  He recognizes that God first moves his people toward goodness; and when we act upon his promptings, the results are visible in the good things he provides--peace or accomplishments for example.  He gives God, not himself, the glory for all the right things in his life.

I can see that Isaiah is speaking of a specific group of people.  Looking back to Isaiah 24 and 25 for context, I was stunned!  This verse describes God's treatment of those who trust in him at that time when he devastates the earth!  And it is set in sharp contrast to how others will fare.  He tells us of the earth's destruction, and how God's people will react, and how everyone else will react too.  It will always fascinate and frighten me when I consider how difficult those final days are going to be!

Today, I will be grateful for the Lord's guiding my heart, and for the goodness that results in my life because I choose to respond to his direction.

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