Saturday, April 19, 2014

April 19, 2014 - Saturday

Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. (Psalms 150:6 NIV)

My first thought this Holy Saturday morning was, and now we wait.  What a refreshing verse to counter my, sort of, helpless approach to managing time between Jesus' death and his resurrection!

I wonder what the apostles must have thought on this day, nearly two thousand years ago?  We know so little about what they did immediately after Jesus died.  We know at least some of them watched from a distance with the women of their group as Jesus' body was taken from the cross.  After that, we know that for the most part, they stayed in the room where they had shared their final Seder with Jesus.  We know they spent this time in fear of the Jews.  And we know most were growing doubtful about all they had come to believe.  We know a few of them were out and about, though they stayed very focused on what had happened, trying to understand what it all meant.  I imagine they could only think to wait and see what would happen next.  Their world had been turned upside down and they had no answers.

So they waited.

Today, instead of just waiting as the grieving apostles had to do, I will praise the Lord with the breath I have!

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