Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014 - Monday

So that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 5:21 NIV)

Have you ever done a favor for someone who did not deserve it?

Maybe at work, you help someone that doesn't really treat you well, someone who you know talks about you when you're not around.  This person has earned your distrust and you have the right to be really angry with him, but instead, for some reason, you help him fix a big problem he's got.

In the same way, God does us a huge favor!  Specifically in today's verse, Paul explains that God gives us a gift called grace.  Grace is the big favor!

Grace changes us.  It makes eternal life possible.  It stops sin's control of us.  It removes death's power over us.  Grace opens us up to be followers of Jesus--the one who came to save us from the power of sin, the one who shows us the way to eternal life.

Can you see grace?  Of course!  Just like the invisible wind, you can see its effects.  That favor you did for your undeserving coworker, that is grace in action.

Today, I will help make God's grace visible in my world, with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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