Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22, 2014 - Tuesday

Later Jesus appeared to the Eleven as they were eating; he rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen. (Mark 16:14 NIV)

God sometimes uses the events of our lives as examples for others to learn from.

Like the child of an alcoholic who cautiously protects himself from being hurt in all his relationships, who then witnesses a strong marriage that works based on trust and vulnerability.  Seeing this, he may begin to take small risks in his own relationships, allowing himself to become more vulnerable and trusting, and enjoying stronger ties with others in his life.

He can learn because he can see and accept something as true even though it contradicts his own experience!

The willingness to accept truth that contradicts our experience is a quality we cannot do without if we are to mature.  I believe it is another way to describe God's grace.

Or like the Iranian woman who recently forgave her son's killer rather than having him executed.  We can witness her example and begin to rethink the so-called truth of our own culture's position on revenge and forgiveness.  We can learn something important from her act which may contradict much of our own experience.

Indeed, God does sometimes use the events of our lives as examples for others to learn from.

In today's verse, Mark is led to use the apostle's doubt so God can speak to us through time!  Because we did not have the chance to see Jesus in the flesh as the apostles did, yet are still asked to believe in his resurrection, Jesus shows us how hard it was even for his friends to believe!  He uses their doubt to encourage us!

Today, I will remember with great joy that I accept the truth of Jesus' resurrection, even though it contradicts my personal experience of physical nature and I do not understand how it could possibly have happened!

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