Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 29, 2014 - Tuesday

Eli said, “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have requested.” (I Samuel 1:17 NABRE)

A young woman, Hannah, was unable to have a child which made her very unhappy.  She came to the temple to ask God for a son.  When she explains her prayer to the priest, Eli, he joins his prayer to hers.  Soon thereafter, she has a son, names him Samuel, and dedicates his life to God.  In fact, Samuel became a prophet, a national leader, and the last of Israel's judges, the one who anoints their first king, Saul.

Eli's encouragement should give us hope, even today, in two ways.  First, that we should bring our troubles to the Lord and be at peace knowing with confidence that we have been heard.  Second, that God can grant our requests, and will if they are part of his plan.

Lord, I am confident that you know my heart, my needs, my hopes; and I ask that if it is your will, that you grant my requests.  If it is not your will that my requests be granted, I ask for understanding.  I ask that you show me what I may learn from your denial.

Today, I will seek the peace that comes with placing my needs before God with confidence.

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