Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24, 2014 - Thursday

Trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow. (1 Peter 1:11 NIV)

This verse, on its own, begs for context.  Reading verses 1-12 helps to clarify what Saint Peter is saying here.  Here are a few clarifications:

  • Peter wrote this letter to be circulated through several new churches in parts of what is modern day Turkey.
  • "Them" refers to the Old Testament prophets like Isaiah who lived centuries before the time of Jesus.
  • The prophets actually had the holy Spirit of Christ in them.
  • This Holy Spirit, not the prophets, was the one who predicted the suffering of Jesus the Messiah.  He acted through the prophets.
  • The Holy Spirit also made all the other prophetic predictions about Jesus' first and second coming, and the glory of God's kingdom.
  • The prophets themselves wanted to understand the actual times and circumstances of these events being predicted.
  • The Holy Spirit revealed to them that they were not serving people of their own times, but people who would come after the Messiah, people such as you and me.

So what do I get from all of this?

  • I think this is some of what Jesus taught his apostles privately during their time together!  Very cool that Peter would share it with us.
  • I realize that God exists outside of time.  
  • I see that He works through each of us.  
  • I find comfort in my own difficulties when I realize how much the prophets endured.
  • I see there is purpose in what we do when we are led by the Holy Spirit.

Today, I will ask the Holy Spirit to lead me in purposeful action, and to reveal to me whatever I might need to know about purpose.

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