Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 13, 2014 - Sunday

He said to them, “Do you still not understand?” (Mark 8:21 NIV)

Trust in God.  It is difficult because I want to trust myself, my senses and my experience.  When I don't understand a difficult situation, my first inclination is to analyze it.  When I lack something I need, the first thing I do is assume I myself have to find a way to get it.

In this verse from Mark 8, Jesus has just miraculously fed thousands of people with a few loaves of bread and fish.  By this act, he gave the apostles an amazing sign of God's ability and desire to provide all they need; yet, on the boat ride home, they worry because they find themselves with just a single loaf of bread.

They are concerned about running out of food, a clear indication that they haven't learned to trust that God provides them with all they need.

Today, I will trust that God provides for me in my times of need, great and small, and will rely on him to do that.

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