Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 20, 2014 - Sunday

Jesus said to them,“Come and have breakfast.” None of the disciples dared ask him, “Who are you?” They knew it was the Lord. (John 21:12 NIV)

Happy Easter!  JESUS IS RISEN!

In today's verse, Jesus appears for the third time to his apostles, asking them to have breakfast with him by the water.  Can you picture the scene?  With my eyes closed, I can see it.  I can hear the birds and the water.  I can taste the salt in the air.  I can feel the breeze.  And I can smell the fire, with the food he's cooked for his tired friends.

Jesus invites all of us, you and I, to eat with him too.  The meal is ready for us.  He's already prepared it.  He offers more than we could need or think to ask for.  Just as at the last supper, Jesus gives himself to the apostles in a new way as food for their spirits, we share this same meal even today in the Eucharist during Mass.  It's a real mystery for sure, but we believe that he is truly present with us in this meal.

So, his is an invitation--one wanting a response.  Our response, my answer, to his invitation is what he waits for.  Even that day, his friends had trouble at first, even though they recognized him.  They seemed to hesitate, before approaching him.

Do I hesitate at first, when Jesus invites me closer?

Today, I will respond to Jesus' invitation without hesitation!  I will join him for breakfast!  I will share it with family as he did with his friends.

Also, today, I will pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for my friend, that Jesus will keep him close at this time.  That he may experience healing, if that is God's will, in his body and spirit; and that he find peace, joy, and comfort in the arms of our savior.

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