Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10, 2014 - Monday

Drink water from your own cistern,
running water from your own well. (Proverbs 5:15 NABRE)

Parents spend a lifetime instructing and guiding their children. While children are young, they learn quickly, they are expert imitators, and they absorb much. At some point as they grow independent, children begin to push against instruction and guidance, seeking instead the teacher of experience in the "school of hard knocks." As moral reasoning develops and becomes more sophisticated, children often appear to be well on their way to disregarding advice in favor of experimentation which becomes increasingly dangerous.

And yet, the wise father-king speaking to his son's in today's verse, knows they do continue to need advice and that they do continue to listen and absorb it, even though they may not act on it right away. He knows that the best defense against folly is to appreciate and love wisdom.* He speaks to his children from his own experience to guide them away from making mistakes unnecessarily. His hope is that they will come to no harm. More than that, his great hope is that they will find their way to truth and especially to a relationship with God.

Today, I will be grateful for the guidance I receive each day.

Saint Leo the Great, who reminds us we are Christ's church, pray for us.

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