Saturday, November 22, 2014

November 22, 2014 - Saturday

What is a king’s best body-guard? Mercy and faithfulness;
on mercy his throne rests. (Proverbs 20:28 KNOX)

While reading a commentary* on different translations* of this verse, I had an insight, a reminder really, of something which completely inspires me with hope!

It seems the Hebrew and Greek translations of this verse emphasize slightly different qualities of a good king. The Greek translation focuses on justice while the Hebrew leans more toward mercy as the quality on which a good king's throne rests.

Jesus is our ideal king. We call him the King of kings. So these differing translations challenge me to ask: Is Jesus more just toward us or is he more merciful?

Jesus desires to be our Merciful Savior rather than our just Judge!

Summarized wonderfully by the words recorded by Saint Faustina in her diary entry 1541, as Jesus describes the blessing of praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in the presence of the dying, he says:
"I will stand between My Father and the dying person, not as the just Judge but as the Merciful Savior."* 

Today, I will pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the souls of those in my family who have died, so that Jesus, who exists outside of time, will stand with them as their Merciful Savior.

Saint Cecilia, patron of musicians, pray for us.

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