Thursday, November 20, 2014

November 20, 2014 - Thursday

The LORD roars from Zion,
and from Jerusalem raises his voice,
The heavens and the earth quake,
but the LORD will be a shelter for his people,
a fortress for the people of Israel. (Joel 4:16 NABRE)

Oh Lord, you defend your people from their enemy. For thousands of years, your people have struggled against destruction and you remain a constant protector. Time and time again, you have shown your faithfulness toward your chosen ones.

Lord, today I ask for your protection for myself and my family. As we remember our deceased relatives and friends this month, as we prepare for Thanksgiving, and as we venture out into the world in our different ways. Please guide our hearts as you always do, and keep us aware of your holy presence within each person we encounter. Help me to discern the enemy, recognizing his evil influence as distinct from people who are hurting from the scars of this life, so that I may avoid being pulled into occasions of sin but rather reach out to those in need of comfort. And when I cannot determine whether to shake the dust from my shoes* or to encourage a soul who is suffering, help me remember to incline first toward mercy as you do for me.

Today, I will speak and act encouragingly toward others around me.

Saint Francis Xavier Can, Vietnamese martyr who would not deny his faith, pray for us.


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