Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3, 2014 - Monday

Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: Listen! I will make breath enter you so you may come to life. (Ezekiel 37:5 NABRE)

Ezekiel was a prophet during Israel's exile in Babylon, about 600 B.C. Today's verse is a prophesy which offers the exiles hope for the future. The dry bones to which the Lord speaks are the exiles themselves. God tells them he will send breath, his Spirit, into them. You see, God punished Israel by exiling them, but here he promises to restore them once again. Here we read part of his announcement that he will create a new Israel from among them. He wants to demonstrate once and for all that he is the Lord.*

How often do we think of God actively involved in our lives? Do we think he is capable of directing nations as masterfully as individuals? While we may be quick to dismiss the street-corner prophets who, even today, wear signs that say Repent, are we really so sure God does not intervene in the large events that shift political power? Have we become blind and calous to God's Lordship?

As we approach a mid-term election day tomorrow, I suggest that our vote can be a profound act of prayer. "We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose," (Romans 8:28) but do we believe that our vote may be one of those things helping to work out God's purpose? In our country, we have the great gifts of a democratic process and the vote. Even in our imperfect, cynical, sometimes discouraging, and too-often corrupt political system, we are at least invited to participate! Compare this with the violent oppression taking place in Sudan, the ISIS-controlled areas of Syria and Iraq, and so many other nations around the world.

Express hope! Help breathe life into the dry bones of our people. Participate!

Today, I will prepare my heart and mind so that my vote tomorrow will have meaning, helping to chose responsible leaders.

Saint Martin de Porres, whose life teaches us so much about deep and true forgiveness and charity, pray for us.

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