Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17, 2014 - Monday

Better is the end of a thing than its beginning;
better is a patient spirit than a lofty one. (Ecclesiastes 7:8 NABRE)

When life gets hard, even unbearable, never give up.

As difficult as it can be to wait for a bad situation to end, we are called to wait, to endure and to carry on. But we ask, "How can I endure this suffering?" First, by relying on faith. We need to be confident that God will work things out in his time. He always does. Always. Believe it.

When you have nothing left, pray this way: Lord, I can not carry this burden myself anymore so I give it to you to carry. Please carry it for me until, in your good time, it may end.

The trick, it is said,* is to seek to become patient and not proud. Patience grows from humility. When we regularly and deliberately put on a mindset and attitude of humility we are able to endure whatever would crush a proud person. With this thinking we become what is called poor in spirit.*

Today, I will seek humility and patience in every difficult situation that arises, big or small. Rather than, in my pride, being irritated, annoyed or frustrated by situations, I will join my difficulties with the suffering of Jesus, who suffered for my sake, as a sacrifice for others who suffer far greater than I do.

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, patroness of Catholic charities, pray for us.

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