Friday, November 7, 2014

November 7, 2014 - Friday

Blessed be the LORD, your God, who was pleased to set you on his throne as king for the LORD, your God. In the love your God has for Israel, to establish them forever, he has made you king over them to carry out judgment and justice. (2 Chronicles 9:8 NABRE)

More than 400 years before Christ was born, these are the words of the Queen of Sheba* to King Solomon, according to the Chronicler, when she realized that his gift of wisdom far surpassed his reputation. And yet, the description of Solomon calls to mind, for me at least, Jesus who is King over all kings and who will carry out judgment and justice at the end of time. Beyond that, I am reminded of God's surpassing love for his people, for you and me.

God loves you!

It can feel like a cliche, but it's true. He loves you more than the greatest love you have ever felt. He loves you right now, in the middle of whatever messiness you may be facing in your life.

John 3:16 reminds us of this simple and wonderful truth.

I am pleased to report that I had some success yesterday remembering to say "Thank you Jesus." in those little moments of frustration. There were five to ten time during the day when I found myself irritated by some little thing or another and the phrase came to mind for me to speak, so I did. Thank you Holy Spirit for keeping me mindful of Jesus at my own little times of trial. I offer them up as prayers for others who need strengthening in faith as much as I do.

Today, I will rest in God's love. I will again seek to remember to say, "Thank you Jesus." each hour or in those moments when little annoyances bother me excessively.

Saint Didacus, Franciscan brother for whom San Diego, California, is named, pray for us.

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