Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November 19, 2014 - Wednesday

In their actions even children can playact
though their deeds be blameless and right.
The ear that hears, the eye that sees—
the LORD has made them both. (Proverbs 20:11-12 NABRE)

Actions do not always reveal character and people have many reasons for behaving as they do. As a result, we often have no insight into why people say and do the things they do. If a[n innocent] child can playact, an adult can do so even more.*

God gives us ears to hear and eyes to see so that we may observe the world around us and grow in understanding and wisdom. However, human judgments are not ultimate; the Lord expects proper use of these faculties.*

It is important that we learn to use wisely our judgments of others. We should pray for discernment so we can begin to know how to respond to others whose words and actions challenge and even harm us. We need to understand how to live with them. For our part, we should speak honestly and act directly with others. And we should consider our own playacting, seeking to eliminate self-deception from our lives.

Today, I will will pray for those whose troubling words and actions I do not understand.

Saint Agnes of Assisi, whose prayer and sacrifice led you to a life of service, pray for us.

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