Thursday, November 27, 2014

November 27, 2014 - Thursday

Give thanks to the LORD, who is good,
whose mercy endures forever. (Psalm 106:1 NABRE)

Lord, we cannot praise you enough and with complete humility we offer you thanks. We recognize that you alone are purely good. And we are grateful for your mercy.

Just before Jesus returned to you, he promised to send us your holy Spirit as our guide.* The holy Spirit comes to us still today by way of the sacraments. He lives in us. He prompts us and turns us toward God. He gives us gifts which are meant for us. His gifts help us to follow his prompting and increase our ability to live lives of virtue. And as signs of our growth--and this may be the real miracle, he gives us what we call the fruit of the Spirit, which may be thought of as the first fruits of eternal glory experienced now, and which are meant for others.

On this day of thanks, we ask for the grace, strength and courage to seek your gifts so that we might grow in holiness and so that your blessings may flow out through us to others by your Spirit.

Today, I will give thanks to God for the endless blessings in my life, especially for my family and friends, and I will seek to grow in Spirit so that I may be a blessing to others.

Saint Francesco Antonio Fasani, who made daily decisions to cooperate with God's grace, pray for us.

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