Saturday, November 15, 2014

November 15, 2014 - Saturday

So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13 NABRE)

It was a bright morning twenty-eight years ago, just like today, when I began to understand this verse.

It was cold here in New England, with a dusting of snow on the ground when we began our marriage journey together. Though we didn't know it at the time, all we really had were faith, hope and love. There was little else.

Funny that after so many years these three remain and I could say they are still all we have. Still all we need. Still all we seek. They are what make marriage work, expressed so beautifully in the more well-known lines* of this chapter of Corinthians:

  • Love is patient
  • Love is kind. 
  • Love is not jealous, 
  • Love is not pompous, 
  • Love is not inflated,
  • Love is not rude, 
  • Love does not seek its own interests, 
  • Love is not quick-tempered, 
  • Love does not brood over injury,
  • Love does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.
  • Love bears all things, 
  • Love believes all things, 
  • Love hopes all things, 
  • Love endures all things.

Take some time to enjoy and meditate on each one. Each is so rich in meaning that it brings out a different character of relationship worth spending time with.

Here is a challenge: If you substitute your own name for "Love" in the list, how well do you do? What could you change today to love better?!

Today, I will remember faith and hope matter, along with love which never fails.

Blessed Mary of the Passion, who wished for two lives, one for prayer and one to perform all the duties God imposed on her, pray for us.

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