Tuesday, November 18, 2014

November 18, 2014 - Tuesday

“Then every scribe who has been instructed in the kingdom of heaven is like the head of a household who brings from his storeroom both the new and the old.” (Matthew 13:52 NABRE)

Jesus' words to his disciples instruct them how to teach others about the kingdom of heaven. They were the first leaders of his church: They knew his teachings (the new). And they were like the religious scribes of their day: They knew the Jewish law (the old).

In today's verse, Jesus tells each of them to "provide in his own teaching both...the old as interpreted and fulfilled by the new.* Jesus came to fulfill the law, so it was important his followers understood the law as well as his teaching. Today, our Bible contains both the Old Testament, which are the books of the law and the prophets, and the New Testament, which are the books about Jesus.

Lord God, thank you for sharing with us the whole of salvation history. From the beginning of time you have been with us. You show us how to live today and you tell us why. Jesus, you came to fulfill the words of the law and the prophets written down so long before you were born. You came here to redeem us in this life so we might spend the next in your company. We look forward to being fully in your presence on that great day.

Today, I will praise God who gives me faith, hope and love, who showers me with his endless mercy, and who shows me the path for my life. Praise you Jesus.

Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne, who, in your heart, held back nothing from God, pray for us.

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