Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 30, 2014 - Sunday

Sing to the LORD, all the earth,
announce his salvation, day after day. (1 Chronicles 16:23 NABRE)

1 Chronicles, chapter 16, describes how King David called some of the Levites to be musicians before the arc of the Lord. They played music every day, telling the story of how God saved his people. Like Psalm 96, today's verse reminds us to celebrate the Lord with song!

Celebrate the Lord with song! What an excellent reminder as we begin the season of Advent during which time we anticipate the miracle birth of Jesus, God's promised one.

Lord, you humbled your divine nature to become a man and walk among us. You did this as part of the plan of salvation for your people and we are grateful and amazed. You do so much for us and you know our hearts, Lord. We ask that you hear our singing and enjoy with us the celebration of your great and awesome gift of salvation, fulfilled in Jesus your son.

Today, on this first Sunday of Advent, I will meditate on the first two chapters of Matthew's gospel, which, along with the first two chapters of Luke's gospel, comprise the infancy narrative of Jesus' birth.

Saint Andrew, brother of Saint Peter, apostle of Jesus, patron of fishermen, pray for us.

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