Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 12, 2014 - Wednesday

But the Lord said to him, ‘Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground. (Acts 7:33 NABRE)

God's Spirit spoke directly to Moses in the desert. Today's verse is from Saint Stephen's retelling of the story of his people fifteen hundred years later. In it, we read God's reminder that there are holy places.

So often today, we forget that there are indeed holy places. Special places on this earth. Places set aside for worship. Places consecrated by prayer, heroic acts, or otherwise, which call us to a respecful mindfulness of the presence of the divine in our world.

However, no place is holier than the place where the Spirit of God dwells. And as believers, we know that this most holy temple of God is within each of us who is baptized.

Lord God, keep me mindful of your presence within me. Help me to remember at all times that I do not need to look at the grandeur of any celestial display to see your work. Remind me always that you are within me, and guide me with a respectful mindfulness to care well for your dwelling place here. My Lord, help me to recognize you also in each person I encounter today. Show me what is greatest within them. Show me what unites us. And Lord, if there is a need I can fill, show it to me, provide me with the means to satisfy it, and remove from me any hesitation that would keep me from acting according to your prompting.

Today, I will seek to be mindful of God's holy presence in each person I encounter.

Saint Josaphat, who worked for and was martyred for unity among Christians, pray for us.

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