Sunday, November 2, 2014

November 2, 2014 - Sunday

He said in reply, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. (Matthew 15:13 NABRE)

The Pharisees had placed religious rituals and traditions above God's commandments, nullifying, according to Jesus, the word of God for the sake of these traditions. As a result, Jesus calls them hypocrites. In today's verse, just after the Apostles tell him he has offended the Pharisees, he replies in a manner which actually begins to lead the Apostles away from the teaching authority of the Pharisees.*

Jesus tells the Apostles, and us, that people who act so as to appear religious, holy and righteous, but who are more concerned with their own gain, such as these teachers of the law were, are blind, and they lead others who follow them right into a pit.

Lord, give me eyes to see. Give me the clarity and courage to examine my own motivations. Guide me as I navigate the difficulties of this life, seeking first to do your will in all situations. Our Father, your will be done on earth! May your Holy Spirit be alive in me today, sharing with me discernment in large and small matters, so that I may act in true holiness, seeking less to achieve riches and prestige for myself and more to turn others to you, Lord. I ask this in Jesus' name and in the company of those gathered here. Amen.

Today, I will seek first God's will in my life.

On this, the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls' Day), we pray for all of you who have gone before us into death, and we ask that you please pray for us.

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