Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 11, 2014 - Saturday

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. (Proverbs 16:3 NIV)

Another completely amazing promise!  God will set up the life plans I need.  God will initiate my plans, for me!  That's what this statement tells me.  My part of the deal is pretty simple too.  All I have to do is dedicate to the Lord what I will be doing.  

Now, as fantastic, and maybe strange, as this sounds, it gets better!  This applies to any and all the things I do.  No exceptions are mentioned!  So, in the little conflicts I face and choices I make every day, as well as in the big decisions of my life (Which I know are his specialty!), in all of these, if I will simply trust him enough to dedicate what I plan to do, God will keep me on the path to the right ending, whatever that is!

Today, I will dedicate to God each thing I do, big and small, and trust as blindly as a little baby that he will lead me to the right end.

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