Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 26, 2014 - Sunday

God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of it. (Acts 2:32 NIV)

I remember a dream I had as a boy of eleven or twelve.  In the dream, we were assembling a ping pong table on the front lawn when it began to rain and we had to move the pieces under cover in the garage.  It was very realistic and is still a vivid and familiar scene in my mind.  But the curious and unsettling part of the dream was the way it actually unfolded several months later.  At first, there was the deja vu of a memory happening in the present--the unpacking from the leaning carton, the green and white-lined table top lying on the grass, the unassembled legs, the still-cool late morning, sunshine cut by the shade of the house.  Exactly as I had already experienced it.  Then the otherwise unexplainable knowledge that it would soon rain.  Then the rain.  The drops on the table top.  Very unsettling!  And it seemed, not something anyone was willing to believe.  Oh well.  I knew!

Have you ever encountered something that defied explanation?   Have you ever experienced something you thought was impossible...until it happened?  And have you ever then tried to tell someone else about it?

I've experienced what seemed impossible more than once over the years, but I can't imagine finding myself in the position that Peter does in the verse from Acts!  But I will say based on my experience, his admission to being an eyewitness to this helps me believe!  I know things happen I can't explain, so why would he make up such a ridiculous   story...unless it's true?!

Today, I will remember there were actual witnesses to Jesus' life and resurrection, and they were brave enough to tell others about it because it changed everything for them, and me.

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