Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 28, 2014 - Tuesday

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (Acts 2:42 NIV)

When something is new, we take special care of it!  In the same way, new relationships get special attention.  And we can learn something about how to keep a long term relationship alive by looking at the enthusiasm and devotion of new partners!

When we first fall in love, it seems we are consumed with thoughts of the other.  We can't stand to be apart.  And just after the apostles told a huge crowd about Jesus, about three thousand of them began a new relationship with their long-promised savior!

And look at what they did.  They stayed together.  They learned everything they could from the apostles, Peter and John and the others, and began to do what Jesus asked them to do:  They encouraged one another in faith, they broke the bread to remember and unite with Jesus, and they prayed.

Today, I will refresh my relationship with Jesus by asking in prayer for a renewal of my spirit and the openness to new ways to encourage others who share this same relationship.

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