Saturday, January 18, 2014

January 18, 2014 - Saturday

They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty— and I will meditate on your wonderful works. (Psalm 145:5 NIV)

I'll never understand God.  There is no way I can comprehend the extent of him.  But I can look around my little corner of the universe and see a few tiny expressions of his creative artistry, his touch on this Earth of ours.  More than that, I can imagine patterns of beauty extending infinitely in all directions.  And that is just his physical creation!  From the simple daisy to the roaring Atlantic, from the frozen poles to the barren moon, from the peak of Everest to the face of the sun, we can see God's works and make it a habit to notice them.   

And we can enjoy the passage of time!  We can't touch time, but we can sense it, we can see it's effects, and we can make a habit to appreciate it.  As time passes, it gives us experience and memories, it gives us new chances to begin again, and it gives us the precious present.

And we can experience the unseen, spiritual side of creation too.  I can remind myself that even though I do not see it, I believe the wind is really there.  And I can remind myself that I have felt God's wind blow on my life enough times to know it is really there!

Today, I will stand in the breeze of God's spirit and I will smile at how refreshing it feels.

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