Sunday, January 19, 2014

January 20, 2014 - Monday

Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me. (Psalm 31:3 NIV)

Imagine being President.  You have an unmatched military.  You give orders and they are followed or people die.  You are responsible for protecting an entire nation in a hostile world bent on destroying you and your way of life.  And in the few private minutes you get each day you commit yourself, your army, indeed your entire country to a God for protection.  Not a distant deity or a vague idea of protection, but a concrete destruction of your enemies.  In the minute you have before your day begins, you only have time to say/pray/think a few things.  What do you think?

Protection is elusive.  I use locks, alarms, seatbelts, keys, PINs and passwords to protect myself and my family from anyone who would harm us.  But maybe there is more to real protection.  I feel safe at home, but a real refuge provides more than just a feeling of being safe.  A real fortress guarantees safety.

Am I the type of person who can say what David says above?  How completely do I commit my life and my spirit to God's protection?  Where do I put my faith?

Today, I will seek real safety by asking God to guard my heart.  I think I'll also ask him to lead and guide me each hour of the day.

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