Sunday, January 19, 2014

January 19, 2014 - Sunday

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.  -Philippians 4: verse 19

Generosity.  This encouraging verse is from the closing of a letter Paul wrote to a young church he founded in which he is thanking them for their generosity--he received their donation to his mission.  He is telling them, and me too, that our generosity toward helping develop God's church on earth has a reward that far exceeds any apparent cost.

And so I am challenged to be fearlessly generous!  To give without thought of repayment.  To give to others who are in need.  And especially to give to the mission of God's church--his institution, his device for teaching this world about the promise of eternal life.  

And perhaps what has become my most difficult spiritual obstacle, I am challenged to be generous to the church's reputation, recognizing that the sins of people, even leaders within, do not diminish the church's divine appointment and its mission to "go and make disciples of all nations."  Instead, Paul's words encourage me that, indeed, I should be generous in giving my time and input to the church in order that it carries on despite the human failings we all know about from the news.  I can even see my generosity toward the church's reputation as standing up against the great enemy of God, and his subversive infiltration of God's church.

Today, I choose to think and speak highly of God's church (not a building or the institution made by men), and I will leave myself open to new opportunities to be generous to it, especially where there is a clear connection to its mission.

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