Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 16, 2014 - Sunday

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. (John 15:9 NIV)

What would it be like to know I was going to die, soon?  What if I even knew beforehand that it was going to be painful?  How overwhelming this is.  Any train of thought leads me along a rail of fear, sadness, or loss at what I'd leave behind...even though I have a strong faith in what follows death.  I wonder what I would say and do to say goodbye to my family and friends.

Jesus shared a meal with his people.  He told them how he felt and what to expect as time and events passed.  Today's verse is one of the wonderful and amazing things he shared with them.  I can picture myself sitting at the table with him and hearing him say he loves me as much as his father loves him.  And he even makes it into an invitation to remain in that relationship.

Today, I will accept Jesus' invitation to stay in his love so that I can share it.

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