Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6, 2104 - Thursday

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. (1 Corinthians 13:4 NIV)

Used so often at weddings, the depth of this verse has been all but lost.  It's even used as the punchline of jokes!  But to me, these words are a challenge, a dare, a call to reimagine my idea of love.  

And what if I see it in the context of the great commandment which sums up all God's other laws--to love God and to love my neighbor as myself?

Suddenly, I see something in a new way!  I am called to be patient toward God (really) and all those around me.  I am challenged to show kindness toward God and the people in my life.  I am dared not to envy God or others, not to boast to God or others about myself, and to be humble before God and before my neighbor.  

And my only hope of changing myself in all these ways is through prayer.

Today, I will humbly ask God's help in showing love to the people with whom I spend the day.  I will ask for a time to show patience, opportunities to be kind, a chance to avoid being envious or boastful, and the awareness to see his hand on my life.

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