Sunday, February 2, 2014

February 2, 2014 - Sunday

The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord.  -Matthew 10: verse 24

Sometimes I think I am smart.  I think of clever answers to difficult questions.  I do things that show off my skills and training.  I speak impressive words, wrapped around complex ideas.  And if I do this fast enough and often enough, I begin to rely on myself. I start believing I am self-reliant. 

The start of a problem!  Now, what happens next is as predictable as night following day--I stumble, fall, and hurt myself.  Sometimes I hurt others near me too.

Maybe remembering that I don't have to be perfect can open me to being what God wants me to be.

Today, I will try doing things God's way instead of my way.

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