Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 8, 2014 - Saturday

“Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. (Matthew 10:40 NIV)

 Whenever you ask someone to do something outside their comfort zone, they will need motivation.  And the further out your request puts them, the stronger the motivation will need to be.

So this is part of Jesus' motivational speech.  If you read the rest of Matthew chapter 10 it is quickly apparent he is sending them way outside their comfort zone!  In fact, he is sending them out among a very skeptical and dangerous bunch to perform miracles in his name--to do things in front of people they will either believe or shun, no middle ground.  So, he tells them not to be afraid of those people who will be against them, but rather to realize that whomever welcomes them is really welcoming Jesus and God the Father.

This encourages me in two ways.  First, to choose again for myself what I believe.  Second, to share it fearlessly.

Today, I will choose again to welcome Jesus into my heart.

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