Friday, February 21, 2014

February 21, 2014 - Friday

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. (Matthew 5:11 NIV)

We humans are so adaptable!  In our culture, where we consider ourselves sophisticated, we prefer more subtle forms of torment.  With few exceptions, it has become socially unaccepted to directly insult, persecute, or speak evil against anyone, but we do it all the time in more discreet ways which are just as applicable here.  We gossip.  We nag.  We exclude.  We give looks.  We spread rumors.  We bully online.  We tell lies.  We talk behind backs.  And sometimes we actually do these things because someone believes in Jesus.

And because at times I've done these things myself, at other times I have been cautious about expressing my own belief.  I have been timid, afraid others would do these things to me if I would have expressed my belief.  How subtle it can be.  And how scary.  So boldness is called for whenever I get the chance to live, as Jesus expects, in his name.

Today, I will live and act and speak boldly, guided by the Holy Spirit and grateful for Jesus' blessing when I do.

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