Saturday, February 1, 2014

February 1, 2014 - Saturday

One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. (Psalm 145:4 NIV)

What an absolutely funny, transparent, unexpected, clarifying, spotlight-focusing verse!  It is said that the invisible God reveals himself to us in many ways.  My favorites are the ones that make me laugh, especially first thing in the morning!  So here I sit about to write my reflections on God's mighty acts, suddenly aware it is for you, another generation!  The ironically funny and wonderful awareness should be obvious by now:  The insight that what I am doing here is part of the plan, which means that what you are doing here is part of the plan.  My current action of entrusting the knowledge of God to you was foretold, and therefore your reading of it was also predicted by this verse!

We walk our paths united in this.

So, I hope you share the exact sense I have right now, of connection to something larger than yourself, of a purpose for your life even if it isn't clear yet, of the amazing span of God who, thousands of years ago, could lead a man to write the words above, to me!  So I would share them with you!  And I pray that you smile at this too!

Today, I will appreciate God's expansive might and his personal interest in me!  

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