Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 7, 2014 - Friday

So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them. (Exodus 2:25 NIV)

Belief is difficult to maintain when things are going wrong.  What happens when years pass and you are suffering, and there is no sign that God is even real?  What do you do?  How do you feel?  Alone.  Ignored.  Forsaken.  And time drags on.

The Israelites had been slaves for many years and were suffering greatly in Egypt.  Perhaps they felt as Jesus may have felt in his last moments before death, while nailed to a tree.  Alone. Ignored. Forsaken.

I don't understand why we have these dark times in life, but this verse gives me hope to believe that God is there, he is watching over me, and he is concerned about me whenever I suffer and feel he is not there.  And he will send relief in the end--Moses came back to lead the Israelites out of slavery.  And Jesus was resurected!

Today, I will pray for anyone suffering greatly right now, that they will not lose faith and that God will relieve them soon.

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