Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 9, 2014 - Sunday

"Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding."  -Proverbs 9: verse 6

Ouch!  That's pretty direct!  This proverb is actually accusing me of acting like a fool!  A fool is someone who lacks good judgment, good sense, or understanding.  I could be offended here and tune out the message, but I won't just yet because I know the twist in Proverbs is that we get actual techniques to grow in wisdom and understanding--from God's perspective.

So Proverbs is an early self-help book!  And what would a good self-help book be without a clever twist, right?  Well here it is, God's idea of foolishness is what is called "worldly wise."  Again, that almost feels like a personal insult since I like to think of myself that way, but when I step past that feeling, I start to see the simplicity and positivity here.

Restated:  I should seek understanding.  I should think and act with goodness.  The reward of this effort will be life.

Today, I will be on the lookout for situations where I see things differently from others who are smart and clever thinkers--to figure out if our differences are because of what I believe.

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