Friday, August 22, 2014

Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 12

About the same time as the events of Chapter 11, here in Acts 12, we conclude what I refer to as Part One of the Acts of the Apostles, where Peter tends to be the central figure.

In it, we see Herod's persecution of several Christians leaders in Jerusalem, most notably Peter.  Peter is jailed and, once again, delivered miraculously from what would likely have been a hasty trial and nearly certain death.  Imagine the surprise and the overwhelming joy of his friends when he mysteriously returns to them late on the night before his trial was to take place!

We see Herod's sudden death caused by his arrogance and pride.  And we see Paul and Barnabas working relief missions between the Christian communities that had sprung up in Jerusalem and Antioch after the persecution an dispersion of the Christians began.

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