Sunday, August 10, 2014

August 10, 2014 - Sunday

My son, should sinners entice you,
do not go if they say, “Come along with us!  (Proverbs 1:10-11 NABRE)

Decisions!  They come up often, don't they?  Some are big.  Others, small.  In each case, the moment of decision can be our most beautiful act of faith.

There are many reasons we might choose to go along with sinners, and I've gone along many times in my life.  So what happens at that actual point of decision?  That moment of truth.  When I decide to go or not to go.  When it all boils down to just two options.  No shades of gray.  I choose to stay or I choose to go.

Thinking about the difference is helpful. I can honestly say that often when I resist the enticement of sinners, it feels like neither the courage nor the strength are my own.  I don't have either in sufficient quantity to resist the allure of sin.  But I am always strong enough to submit.

The actual point of decision, that fleeting moment that precedes action, that tipping point after which events just begin to unfold is not as difficult as we make it out to be.  We need to realize that our choice can be simple to the point where confidence and clarity replace fear and uncertainty.

Rather than pushing against sinfulness, we can just submit to what is good.  Paradoxically, it is with simple submission that we gain all power in that moment to overcome the enticement of sin, all confidence in the decision we've made, and all clarity to carry on.

Today, I will pray for those who are called to make ethical decisions, that they may submit themselves to the good with courage and confidence.

Saint Lawrence, patron of the poor, pray for us.

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