Friday, August 8, 2014

August 8, 2014 - Friday

Both go to the same place; both were made from the dust, and to the dust they both return. (Ecclesiastes 3:20 NABRE)

Man and beast, both formed from the earth, will return to the earth.  This clear reference to the creation of Adam reminds us of our mortality.  All of Ecclesiastes reminds us that this life is temporary.  The book was written during a time of oppression when God seemed absent from the lives of his people--which I can only imagine must have led to near hopelessness for many.  But, in the end the writer concludes that despite our mortal limits and the difficulties of this life, we should still rejoice in the gifts that God gives us.*

A baby shower is such a beautiful reminder of how God treats us!  On this occasion, when friends and family gather to celebrate and help new parents prepare for their expected child, they bring gifts and share time together.  And our God is so big, he surrounds us like friends and family, and showers us with gifts to help us live out the lives he has planned for us!

Lord God, help me to rejoice in the gifts you give to me each day.  Help me to recognize them in the midst of difficulties so that I do not lose sight of you and become despondent or bitter.  Today and every day, may your Spirit living in me move my heart to appreciate your gifts, and may this motivate me to give to others as a reflection of your divine heart of mercy and love.

Today, I will pause at least once each hour to consider the gifts of that hour, and to thank God for them.

Saint Dominic, who lived a life of contemplation and action, pray for us.

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