Sunday, August 3, 2014

August 3, 2014 - Sunday

Do not be called ‘Master’; you have but one master, the Messiah.  (Matthew 23:10 NABRE)

Jesus has entered Jerusalem triumphantly yet with humility and while preaching to a crowd in the temple area we see him denounce the Pharisees and scribes.  He has just turned over the tables of the money changers in a righteous anger and his sharp words to the Pharisees in Matthew, chapter 23 are some of his harshest ever.

To his Apostles, he instructs them not to take the title of Master.  They should be servants.  He instructs them about other things as well, generally telling them to do as the Pharisees teach, but not as they do.  He tells them how the pride, hypocrisy and blindness of the Pharisees and scribes cause them to do many evil things which will bring on them great harm at the time of judgment.

I read about what Jesus charges the Pharisees with and it feels too familiar!  It feels too normal.  The charges he lays against them, he could lay against me too.

Lord, please keep your Spirit alive in my heart, so that I may find the help I need to live as you would have me live--with the grateful heart of a servant.  I ask that you protect me in your mercy, so that my choices do not bring regret.  Let me see the Pharisee in my own heart, without the gauze of denial, so that I may change.

We all suffer regret.  But, it occurs to me that sometimes when we suffer small regrets, the scars become blessed reminders that save us from big regrets in the future.

Today, I will pray that scars from my small regrets in life become blessed reminders that save me from bigger regrets in the future.

Our Lady of Lourdes, patron of bodily ills, pray for us.

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