Sunday, August 17, 2014

August 17, 2014 - Sunday

Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must separate.  (Mark 10:9 NABRE)

My Godmother recently shared this with my wife and I:

A Prayer for Married Couples

Heavenly father,
You have created man and woman
to be a reflection of Your love for the world.
Bless our marriage and all married couples
that we might truly become
an image and likeness of You in the world.
May our love for one another share in your love
and fill us with a generous heart that is open to life.
When difficult times arise, surround us with your
presence, loving family, friends and parishioners
to give us the strength and grace we need.
Assure all married couples of your abiding presence
with us in good times and bad, in sickness
and in health and for richer or for poorer.
May our lives be a witness to the world
of Your loving care, faithful commitment
and persevering love for all people.

Memories of a Friendship: I remember the day I was married!  One of the most amazing comments we received, and it's stuck with me all these years, was from a good friend.  He said he could actually feel the Spirit in the church during the Mass.  It's an unusual statement, but such a wonderful wedding gift!  My friend spoke what we felt as we exchanged our vows, that the third partner in our marriage was certainly as present there as we were that day.

Today, I will pray for my friends and family who are married, that their unions so blessed by God remain strong and constant reflections of His love for us.

Saint Joan of the Cross, who gave up a successful business to dedicate her life to helping the poor, pray for us.

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