Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August 27, 2014 - Wednesday

The words of one’s mouth are deep waters,
the spring of wisdom, a running brook.  (Proverbs 18:4 NABRE)

When we speak our thoughts, dreams, and intentions out into the air, they become real in a new way.  They become part of a community of ideas.  They can be shared.  They can grow and change.  They can be used to promote good and to take aim at problems too big for a single person.

Because of this, it is critically important to think about, lead, and even guard our thoughts.  They energize our emotions, our words, our actions.  In many cases, they create our experiences.

In simple terms, I believe we can manage our thinking by taking our direction from Proverbs 18 which tells us to seek wisdom, justice, humility and knowledge.  Beyond that, the chapter also advances a solid case for avoiding alienation and quarrels, foolish and hasty talk, wickedness and contempt, scorn and haughtiness, laziness and trust in wealth.

How might I change my daily patterns by keeping this in mind?

Today, I will seek the perspective of Proverbs 18 and seek wisdom, justice, humility and knowledge.

Saint Monica, patron of mothers, pray for us.

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