Saturday, August 2, 2014

August 2, 2014 - Saturday

Balance and scales belong to the LORD;
every weight in the sack is his concern.  (Proverbs 16:11 NABRE)

God cares about honesty.  He expects us to treat one another fairly in large and small affairs.  That said, I'd like to pray:

Lord, thank you for this day of miracles!  

Today, we celebrate your gift of new life as we look forward to the birth of our newest family member, the beginning of a new generation soon to be born!  May all who know this child see in him your unimaginable creative power, may they recognize your tenderness toward us, may they find their heads and hearts turned toward you by the unmistakable mystery that is his life.

Lord Jesus, brother and friend to us all, please show us how to receive this child, your new brother, into a family led by your grace, welcoming him into your protective care.

Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with all the grace we'll need to be your arms holding this child and your voice encouraging him.

Lord God, we ask especially for your faithful protection on his parents.  May they continue to grow in their love for you so that this child will one day come to share their confidence in your love for us.  May they continue to be strong in their faith, especially in times of trial.  May they encounter your love in their own relationship and rest in it often.  And Lord, may they find joy that goes beyond circumstances, with roots deep in your promises to us.  Amen.

Today, I will know a miracle, drawn deep from the well of your infinite mercy.

Saint Joseph, husband of Mary and foster father of Jesus, pray for us.
Saint Monica, patron of mothers, pray for us.
Saint Rita, patron of marriages, pray for us.
Saint Jude, patron of hopeless cases, pray for us.
Saint John Paul II, saint in our day, pray for us.
Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, defender of the faith, pray for us.

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