Monday, August 18, 2014

August 18, 2014 - Monday

to fulfill what had been said through the prophet:*
“I will open my mouth in parables,
I will announce what has lain hidden from the foundation [of the world].”  (Matthew 13:35 NABRE)

Just a few verses before today's, the disciples ask Jesus why he speaks to the crowds in parables.  His reply, “Because knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven has been granted to you, but to them it has not been granted."*

God has a plan and the details of it are not available to us beforehand.  Jesus announced many things that had been hidden.  And some things which he revealed, are not seen by everyone, even today.

As a result, in the accounts of Jesus' life, it is clear and believable to some that he fulfills the Jewish messianic prophecies if not by one possible connection than by constant repetition; but to others, this is not seen.  I wish I knew why.

Memories of a Friendship:  Friends talk.  I think differently about situations than many people.  Sometimes it gets in the way.  Sometimes it makes decisions more difficult.  But I'm pretty sure that I've never felt so utterly alone at these difficult moments mostly because I fall into a habit of prayer.  Not necessarily the formal kind of prayers we are taught as children, but conversation.  I've come to rely on my friend at these times and we talk often.  Constant prayer, constant talk.  I realize it's probably my greatest memory of this friendship!  Thank you Lord, for the chance to know you.  Please help me to reflect your graces in my life so that others may catch a glimpse of you in the small details of each day.

Today, I will rejoice in my heart for having knowledge of Jesus, of what he teaches, and of the mysteries he reveals.

Saint Louis of Toulouse, who renounced his royal title to humble himself and serve others, pray for us.

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