Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 9, 2014 - Saturday

You are my refuge and shield;
in your word I hope.  (Psalm 119:114 NABRE)

Recently, there has been an increase in violence and discrimination against Christians across the globe and even in our own country which was founded on the principle of religious liberty.

Today's verse reminds us to trust in the Lord's protection and place our hope in his Word.  As attacks against us come, even as they increase, we should be careful to rely not on our own strength or intelligence, but on God's protection and wisdom.

We have been given the Holy Spirit.  We have the confidence and example of the saints and angels.  We need the courage to place our hope in God's Word and to act as we are led, regardless of consequences.

Today, I will seek the courage necessary for spiritual battle.  I will spend five silent minutes in meditation, listening, quieting, letting God fill that space.  I will pray for the Christians suffering right now in Iraq and other countries at the hands of evil men.  I will pray for understanding and tolerance among my own countrymen.

Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), from whom we "learn to live at God's hands," pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, protector of the Church, defend us in battle.
Saint John Paul II, Pope who canonized Edith Stein, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, husband of Mary, patron of the Church, pray for us.

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